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Manager Crop Protection Formulation

Develop innovative Crop Protection formulation/ Platform technology products based on inputs from cross functional team, that could be patentable.Work with cross functional team across the organization for smooth transfer of Technology from lab to Plant.Ensure strict confidentiality of informationEnsure compliance to the regulatory requirements of Crop protection formulations during formulation development and adapting to regulatory changes which may happen during Formulation development cycle.Should be conversant and have experience of Formulation technologies such as WGs, SCs, ZCs, EWs, CS. etc.Should be well updated on the new ongoing Trends in Crop ProtectionWork actively with field and product development researchers to address problems in the field.Candidate must demonstrate creativity in solving problems related with Crop protection development.Preferred candidate profile :The candidates should have a Ph.D. in Life Sciences, such as Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemistry, from a reputed institute.8 to 12 years of experience in chemical or life sciencesGood written and oral communication in English is a must.Good analytical / conceptual / logical skillsMust have proficient computer skillsThe candidate will be well versed and have hands-on experience on all type of crop protection formulationsMust have passion in exploiting novel techniques and materials for encapsulation and Nano formulations.Being an inventor on patents for novel formulations is also desirable.Knowledge of Biological formulation will be an advantage
